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On Saturday, June 11th, 2022 we will be hosting the Tax-Efficient Wealth Summit in a live in-person event in Mississauga. We have assembled a great lineup of speakers that will challenge your thinking and show you ways you can build tax-efficient wealth. So grab your tickets now! We only have a limited capacity of 50 people so registration will close as soon as we hit capacity. This will be an intimate event taking place in Mississauga on Saturday, June 11, 2022! There will be opportunities to network with others, learn new strategies, build new connections and enjoy the complimentary snacks, coffee, and lunch included in your registration. Here are 5 reasons why you should join us:

Reason # 1: The taxes you pay (income tax, HST, payroll taxes, etc.) is your biggest cost, and tax rates are only set to increase in the near future. You need strategies to combat the impact of high taxes now and in the future.

Reason # 2: We live in an inflationary environment so you have to protect your purchasing power and protect the value of your investments and wealth

Reason # 3: With increasing prices, how can the next generation afford to buy anything? How can our kids own assets and how can we transfer our wealth in the most tax-efficient manner? Learn how to structure your affairs to minimize taxable events as you plan to transfer knowledge and assets to the next generation.

Reason # 4: It is becoming more and more challenging to go on this journey of wealth building on your own. Connect with others like you and learn how to leverage other people’s money, time, and resources to shrink the time required to achieve financial freedom.

Reason # 5: Luckily, the Government offers us tax-free opportunities through what I call the “THE TAX-FREE FINAL FOUR” – (1) Principal residence; (2) Tax-Free Savings Account; (3) Tax-Exempt Life Insurance; and (4) Lottery Winnings. You need to learn how to take advantage of these (Well…I don’t recommend lottery :)) and never have to pay taxes again.

To learn more and to register, Click Here!


The author KGreen