Do you pay too much in taxes and wonder if you can ever lower your tax burden?
If you answered “Yes” to any of these questions, then this book is for you.
This book will save you a ton of taxes and help build your wealth – fast!
If you work in Corporate Canada or Corporate America and gross over $100,000 per year, this book will help you lower your tax burden and provide you with a blueprint to build wealth quickly.
If you’re just starting your career and you make less than $100,000 per year, this book will serve as a plan to help you plan your finances in a tax efficient manner so you can build wealth fast.
Grab your FREE copy of the TAX-EFFICIENT WEALTH – The Blueprint to Quickly Build Tax-Efficient Wealth to Achieve Financial Freedom in Four Actionable Steps using the link below:
I believe you have what it takes to build and grow your wealth in a tax-efficient manner. What you’re lacking is the knowledge and a simple plan to help you build wealth. Most people struggle financially because they lack this fundamental knowledge and a proven path to follow.
This book provides you with an easy-to-implement blueprint that will enable you build and grow your wealth in a tax-efficient manner.
After reading this book:
- You will have a solid knowledge of the key wealth drivers to build wealth, and uncover the money mindset required to win the money game.
- You will have a blueprint and a step-by-step plan to start your journey on building and growing your wealth tax-efficiently.
- You will save taxes, have more money and have the confidence to shatter all your money worries for life.
Start your journey to Tax-Efficient Wealth and quickly build financial independence. Move from uncertainty to a confident and certain financial future. Move from anxiety and worry over money to a state of peace and joy with your money! This is the PROMISE of this book.
Unfortunately, we have become programmed to do what everyone else is doing. The reason for this is because human psychology lends itself to this herd mentality. There are times when the herd offers protection and other times when following the herd poses a tremendous risk. The tax-smart person understands this dynamic. Risks for the herd become opportunities for those with insight.
JOIN HERE (Note that membership is now closed and will reopen early in 2023…stay tuned!)
The Tax-Efficient Wealth Membership Network is a one-of-a-kind educational platform that has been uniquely designed to equip you with the fundamentals of successful tax-efficient wealth accumulation.
In order to be a successful tax-smart Canadian, you need more information; you need knowledge followed by action. Knowledge combines information about the past and applies it to the ever-changing environments and mindsets of the world.
Having keen insights into the dynamic and uncertain future is paramount. However, it is an action that unites every great success. Action is what produces results. Knowledge is only power when it comes into the hands of someone who knows how to take effective action. Ultimate power is the ability to produce the results that you desire most.
Ken Green has helped many of his clients and followers get on the right path to managing their taxes smartly and subsequently growing their wealth.
What is the Tax-Efficient Wealth Membership Network all about?
We bring together individuals looking to take total control over their finances to inspire and hold each other accountable in implementing personal finance and business growth strategies, so that we can build and grow wealth tax-efficiently, live fulfilled lives with no money worries, and create lasting impact for causes that matter to us.
$57 monthly subscription, or $570 one-time annual pay
**As a member, you enjoy the following exclusive benefits**
- Two 30-min sessions with Ken to create a crystal-clear vision for your “Ultimate Personal Financial Success”
- One Scheduled monthly live calls + Bonus calls (to be added from time to time) to discuss tips and strategies, implementation plans, insights from experts, and review the current economic and investment landscape
- A monthly newsletter that is packed with ideas on creating new income sources, investment opportunities, and practical steps to start taking action
- Review of investment opportunities that will allow you to deploy capital immediately (think velocity)
- Rare access to how other members and I are creating new income sources, investing, and accelerating our wealth
- One FREE pass to the Tax-Efficient Wealth annual LIVE event
- One FREE Registration to the “Launch Your Side Business in 30 Days from Start to your First Sale” training program and challenge
- Access to the Private Tax-Efficient Wealth Membership Community (Note: This is not a Facebook group, it’s private and much better!)
Membership is effective as soon as you join!
If you have questions or if you would love to learn more and find out if membership is right for you, I will be happy to answer your questions, kindly book a time that works best for you using the link below: